5 ways to help clear your mind

We have been dubbed the ‘Hustle Generation’ because we are always hustling. For our worth, for time and most of all, for some downtime. Research has found that millennials work longer hours than previous generations and are paid less so no wonder we are stressed. Being able to cope and manage stress has become one of the top skills to have and honestly, it makes sense. In our scarcity economy, finding the time to just breathe without going through a to-do list in your mind is an anomaly. In this article, I would like to share a few physical exercises that have mental benefits to help you with decluttering your mind. 

1.Go for a Walk

There’s a common joke in the black community - black people don’t take walks, we walk somewhere. But perhaps it’s time to start. Aimlessly walking, without a predetermined location can be quite the calming activity. Also, when you go on a ‘destination-less’ walk, you become more attentive to the actual route. You notice things around you and as your eyes see something new, your brain just starts to clear, taking in your current surroundings and allowing you to just be present. 

2. Repack your Wardrobe

Folding clothes, as mundane as it may seem, is a great way to get out of your head. It’s pretty hard to work yourself up while your hands are at work – even more so, when you are physically creating order around you. When you take out all your clothes and you’re surrounded by what seems like a mess, that can feel like the physical representation of your thoughts. As you begin to fold and clear the space, your brain starts to also find relief. This activity doesn’t only help clear your mind, but it also leaves you with a neatly packed wardrobe - talk about a win-win. 

3. Listen to Meditation Music without Meditating

This is my meditation hack. Whenever I can’t meditate because I’m swimming in work, I put on some headsets and listen to my meditation playlist. The music starts to soothe me and slowly helps me clear my mind to focus on what I’m currently doing. It’s almost like parts of my brain meditate while I use just enough bandwidth to complete the task in front of me. 

4. Take it back to the Beach

The ocean has this really powerful way of making your worries seem small but not in a negative way. In a, “there is so much life out there that I am missing because I’m zoned into my own life so much”. Sitting in complete silence and listening to the waves has to slow you down a bit. 

5. Spend time nurturing your Plants

Heap loads of research proves that spending time in nature not only boosts our mood but overall mental wellbeing. If you live in a concrete jungle like the rest of us, plants can really bring you some much needed soothing and solace. Studies have shown that working in an environment with plants can improve concentration while spending time caring for plants can improve your mood and sooth you. Plants also raise our capacity for empathy and care. When we spend time caring for our plants, we give ourselves some time away from our own needs and pressures to refocus on something primal, something simple and something beautiful. 

You don’t need to hit the spa to relax and destress. There are many inexpensive practices that can afford us some peace of mind. 

Prioritize your mental wellbeing and remember that, at the end of the day, you will only have what you give yourself.

By Phemi Segoe