There’s much to be said for the Christmas season in South Africa. I love those memes expressing “December is not a month in South Africa, it’s a lifestyle.” Honestly, our people are such a vibe and I believe the reason we make such a big deal of this holiday season, is because we have grown accustomed to working ourselves to the bone to justify our rest. South Africans are hard workers and when we play, we play hard too and that particularly comes to life in the most beautiful Summer months in our country. 

As parents, Ke Dezemba can take its toll, but it doesn’t have to. Observing my children and their interaction with others, it is small things that keep our children happy, and us sane. Arm yourselves with masks, sanitiser and a social-distancing game plan and you will be well prepared. 

  • Schedule it: It sounds like work but set aside an hour a week to do this and make it fun. Create an entire Christmas playlist from Maverick City to Mariah Carey with Arianda Grande, Diana Kraal and Boney M, the healing and soul uplifting power of music is magical. In fact, I think we need the Mother of Sisterhood, our LeAnne to work on the Christmas 2022 album. 

I do a one day off, 1 day on approach because even children become exhausted from the activities. 

  • Now that the schedule is in place, choose outdoor activities. For those on the coast, this is a no-brainer, kids delight in the water and you’ll become one again too. Us Gautengers are actually spoilt with beautiful parks, water parks and day trips to Hartees with animal farms that are well-priced (a lot of our parks are free). Pack a picnic basket and make a day of it. You’ll be surprised how much kids want to help with everything when they are going out. Remind them of the social distancing rules, masks on, sanitise and you’re ready to go.

  • Christmas Crafts Days. I am no craft mom, but perhaps it’s my love of Christmas that makes me get in the mood. There are great craft packs available from spots like the Crazy Store. Grab a couple and get the kids to make their own Christmas cards or Christmas love notes for the large Christmas spread. There’s something touching and deeply personal about receiving a handmade card. It expresses the time and effort that our busy schedules normally wouldn’t allow.

  • Playdates are heaven. My girlfriends and I take turns in hosting playdates. Children crave the company of their friends as much as we do. This frees us up for a couple of hours for some alone time, a mid-day date with our partners or running some errands. The best part is to schedule an extra hour for a little glass of bubbly towards the end of the playdate so that you can catch up with your girlfriends too. 

  • Hike it out. I am a lover of hikes. Because of restrictions, Most trails and activity places do require booking in advance (we learnt this the hard way when we couldn’t get into places over a long weekend a couple of months ago). The Dome Pools Magaliesburg are a must-do - it’s on our to-do list this season too. It’s a beautiful 2-hour hike to the actual mountain pools (so ensure your children can manage the walk). Again, please book this ahead of time. Since this is a protected area on private property, numbers are restricted, more so because of COVID. You need to give yourself a couple of weeks if you plan on heading there over a weekend. https://mcsajohannesburg.org/climbing-and-hiking-venues/nw/dome-pools-magaliesberg/  

  • Explore natural heritage sites close to your area. These are always well priced. For example, the Cango Caves in Oudtshoorn are R145 per child and R 180 for adults;  if in Gauteng is R85 per child and R 175 per adult; If you’re in KZN, other than the beautiful 58 swimming beaches with their warm waters, head out to KwaXOlo Caves, home to the historical San Rock paintings that date back centuries. 

  • If you’re staycationing, become a tourist in your City. The Red Bus City Tours will give you and your family a fresh perspective - and you don’t have to do the driving. We love taking our kids to see museums - there’s a certain nostalgia that makes me happy and the children’s wonder at life and history makes it so worthwhile. It’s a wonderful reminder that we should always approach life with curiosity. For us Joburgers, one of my favourite spots is the Monte Casino Bird Garden for the kids. A pretty space with everything you need for a day out. 

  • Christmas bake-off. I know not everyone bakes, but how can you resist the smell of a freshly baked piece of heaven in the oven. There are numerous bake mixes available that cut out all the measuring, the purchasing of different ingredients. The kids will love getting their hands dirty and eating the fruit of their labour afterwards. 

  • Go towards the lights. That’s right, this is the time you do want to head towards the lights. Most cities in South Africa still do Christmas lights. The coastal cities and towns get into the festive spirit and Melrose Arch in Jozi always does a wonderful display. Head out for a pizza and explore with the simple delight of an ice-cream cone. 

  • DIY holiday snaps. Set aside a morning. You all get turns to play photographer and get creative with it with props from home. Don’t pressurise the kids for certain “instagrammable poses.” The most beautiful ones are in the moment when real fun is being had. If you’re in Jozi, head on over to DREAMBOX. Pre-book your spot for the most divine ready-made sets and themes. 

  • Book a library day. My hubby actually made me think of this. Libraries were always wonderful spaces where we could get quiet and allow our imaginations to flourish. He casually mentioned, “revive libraries.” Libraries are still there, many of them hosting book reads and small skits based on books for children. Dial them up and see what's on.

  • Support our local arts by taking your children to the theatres. Even when my girls were as little as 18 months old, they were captivated. Artists are just magic for children (us older children too) and they make something come alive in all of us. Theatres are open (limited seating of course) and some artists have been commissioned by outdoor spaces like the Johannesburg Zoo for outdoor performances - the evening shows are amazing and kids love being out at night.

There’s a lot of fun to be had with lots of rest breaks in between. Fuel your heart and soul while exploring something you never had before, even if it’s just one new activity a week with your family. 

By Kim Jansen