Girl, It’s Time to Allow Your Genius To Play

Growing up, we always asked our parents if we could go play. “Can I play at Sam’s house?” “Can I play after school?” Play was something we looked forward to. The science behind play is fascinating. The effects of play on children have been studied for years and without question, play is the best way for children to learn and destress. 

Play removes the pressure of mastering new skills. Play breaks down barriers among kids who meet one another for the first time. The list of benefits is endless.  So, what happens when we grow up? When do we bid farewell to the idea of play? I have several theories on this, but perhaps, for now, it’s best to reconnect with ourselves and learn how to play again.

1. The tough bit. Remember how there was no game too silly for you? Your imagination was limitless. Tap back into that freedom and let go of judging how or what you’re playing.


2. Get into playful at-home exercises. Turn up the music and sing and dance for the fun of it. Play eye-spy or general knowledge (I used to love that game). Learn from the children in your life and join in their games.


3. Mental play. I love finding patterns in things. Either words that rhythm or number patterns. It’s a great mental break too.


4. Plan to Play. In other words, make the time. 


5. Learn a new skill. When was the last time you applied your mind to something other than work or family responsibilities? Learning a new skill will reignite your soul. 


So girl, get out and play!

By Kim Jansen

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