Growing and Glowing Nourishing All of You

As we honour and embrace the light within us, nourishing who we are may mean having to cast light on some of our shadow aspects. In this two-part blog, let's kindly and gently embrace whatever the light reveals and use this season to nurture our minds, hearts and bodies.

Part 1: Shedding Light and Integrating Our Shadows

Popularised by Carl Jung, the "shadow self" are the aspects of ourselves that we reject and "we're often blind to them because we don't want to see them." In a nutshell, shadow work is about "bringing the unconscious mind to our conscious awareness." 

Self-awareness: Reflecting on who we are helps us better understand our unconscious patterns and behaviours. By exploring the shadow aspects of our personality, we become more aware of the factors that hold us back.

Integration: This is exciting. We begin to integrate by acknowledging parts of us that need extra love. We can reclaim our wholeness and untapped potential. Whatever we recognise and embrace in the light can no longer hold us in the dark.

Healing and transformation: This is a particular time for healing and transforming deep-rooted wounds. By turning on the light, we can address past traumas, limiting beliefs, and negative thought patterns. 

Uncovering hidden strengths: This period of self-reflection is not merely about exploring negative aspects but also helps us discover hidden strengths and talents. As you find out what this is during, use this season to build the capacity within so that you can put those newly revealed strengths and skills to work when you're ready.

Enhanced relationships: Embracing all of who you are will allow you to have richer, more authentic relationships and truly enjoy them, including the relationship with self. 

This self-acceptance catalyses personal growth and empowers us to reach our full potential.

Now that you understand the value of turning on the light, we hope you may feel the warmth as light breaks through the cracks warming you from head to toe. Read our next article here, which guides you through practical exercises to get you started.

Photo by cottonbro studio