Harmony of Men and Women

In a world evolving out of what was primarily a negative patriarchal era, women have rightfully become more vocal, claiming our rights and owning our space. As we peel the layers of the patriarchal world, the pendulum swings to varying degrees. Now, men and women are no longer confined to predefined roles but are free to explore our full potential.

On observation, however, a few questions come to mind. As women are becoming more empowered, how are men evolving in the space they are in? As we take responsibility for who we are and have honest conversations around patriarchy, are the messages we share around men and women encouraging division or unity? Is the world encouraging men and women to look beyond gender roles and focus on how they are complementary? As we celebrate the men in our lives, from friends to fathers, brothers and lovers, it all comes down to creating a harmonious space to allow us to grow as men and women. 

Breaking Free from the Shackles:

The patriarchal paradigm shackled both men and women, limiting their ability to express themselves fully. However, as we break free from these societal chains, we discover that true strength lies in embracing our unique qualities, celebrating our differences, and harmonising them to foster a more egalitarian society.

Embracing the Yin and Yang:

Imagine, if you will, a magnificent dance—where the yin and yang interweave seamlessly. Just as the yin and yang symbol represents harmony and balance, men and women possess inherent qualities that, when nurtured and celebrated, can create a tapestry of complementary brilliance.

With their nurturing and empathetic nature, women bring emotional intelligence and a profound understanding of human needs. They possess an innate ability to foster connections, promote collaboration, and infuse warmth into relationships. Their strength is empathising and creating safe spaces for vulnerability and personal growth.

On the other hand, men, with their analytical and decisive approach, bring a rational perspective to problem-solving. Their capacity to think critically and take calculated risks provides a dynamic energy that propels innovation. Their strength lies in their ability to make tough decisions, often influenced by their logical reasoning, and foster an environment of progress and efficiency.

If you want to be the maker as a woman or if you want to be the man who provides for his partner or family, by all means, if that's what you both want, do it!

(Caveat: that's not to say that men cannot be nurturing or that women aren't pragmatic. Studies do demonstrate that throughout history, there are evident, general innate qualities that men and women possess).

A Harmonious Collaboration:

In this transformative period, we are witnessing a shift towards a more inclusive society where both men and women can thrive.  Collaboration, my friends, is the key to this harmony. By pooling together the strengths of both genders, we unlock a vast array of possibilities, opening doors to uncharted territories. Mindfulness plays a vital role in this collaboration, as it cultivates a present-moment awareness that allows individuals to listen to one another, appreciate diverse perspectives, and transcend societal expectations. We can develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and each other through mindfulness practices, fostering compassion, empathy, and respect.

So, as we push past archaic gender roles together, we can shape a world where our collective strength propels us towards greater heights of understanding, empathy, and progress.

Written by Kim Jansen

Photo by Alexandr Nikulin

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