Letter from our Founder

Hey Sis,

Welcome to our new feature; Letter from our Founder

This is definitely a first for me, but I’m so excited to touch base with you all each month and to reflect on our theme.

It’s crazy how the theme for July was Hope Rising and we look back at everything that’s happened this month and feel like we have no hope left. The unrest, paired with the Covid19 Delta variant raging through South Africa left us all mourning, weeping, anxious, fearful, questioning everything we once thought we knew about life. 

But I sat back today in my hopelessness and thought about what Hope really means to me and to be honest, it’s not a grand feeling, emotion or knowing. It is simply  “ A Flickering Light “, you know the particles of light you see once a fire has died down, the orange glow through the coal, the sparks that still allow you to feel the warmth through the ashes. That is Hope Rising. Whatever situation you are faced with right now, I hope you are able to find and feel your hope rising. If that heart is still beating, if you still have breath in your lungs, then there is hope.

“ Hope is not pretending that troubles don’t exist. It is the hope that they won’t last forever. Those hurts will be healed and difficulties overcome. That we will be led out of the darkness and into the sunshine.” -unknown

Yours in Sisterhood,


Leanne Dlamini1 Comment