Fun Family Activities During Lock down

So here we are, locked down and locked in. There are very real concerns that every single one of us is dealing with, and facing those concerns is empowering. At the same time, perspective changes absolutely everything; so while you may opt to think about this period as a prison sentence, what if this is a period that can be used to help you appreciate aspects about your family you may have overlooked? 

This could be the period that you're-discover what fun and recreation are all about. What if this period helps you uncover a creative aspect that you never knew you had and what if this is the time to shed the different “roles” we play so that we become comfortable with simply being? Sisters, this is the time to stay safe, stay home, stay encouraged and have a bit of fun. Ignite the creative and fun spark with some of the ideas I’ve put together.

Indoor Fun

Limit screen time for kids (and yes for you too).Psychology Today confirms that “Taken together, [studies show] internet addiction is associated with structural and functional changes in brain regions involving emotional processing, executive attention, decision making, and cognitive control,” and we want none of that girl. 

Firstly, you want to manage what you consume. An overindulgence in bad news, fake news or negativity puts you in a negative frame of mind which impacts the atmosphere at home. Too much screen time is simply a distraction from true connection. When you do have screen time, make it fun and informative. A number of museums from around the world have created 3D virtual tours. Follow the following links for local and international museums:

You remember that old advert: “Gran what did you do for fun growing up? “We baked.” Channel your grandma and pour love and fun into a baking or cooking activity. Get your partner to join in on the fun (or perhaps they are the cooks, indulge them and let them teach you).

I live in a musical and a cooking show in my really I do. Pretend you’re on a cooking show. Get your family to be the in-studio audience or to interview you about the next steps. A little imagination goes a long way. You could pretend you’re on MasterChef or guide the kids through something easy to make as they act out being candidates on MasterChef junior. Make it a weekly cooking show...something to look forward to.


Tea party: Ok, get a little dolled up for this one. Those scones or muffins you made will taste extra fabulous when you’re having an at-home high tea.


Traditional games: Technology is a major advantage, but add a little fun and friendly competition to your day by blowing the dust off those board games you bought ages ago. Teach your kids fun card games like “go fish” or “snap.”


Reading and free-play: This is crucial for children and yourself as everyone’s imaginations are activated during reading and free playtime. We’re a reading family but when my eldest daughter started school, I will never forget what the librarian said: “children learn to read best on the laps of their parents.” The love of reading is a magnificent gift to pass onto your children. Free play is a necessity for kids and we can take the lead from them. They are masters of imagination and pretend.


Outdoor play

Home Obstacle Course: If you do have space, get outside and take advantage of it. Work outside for a short while; read outside and play some outdoor games with the family. My husband created an entire obstacle course using what we had. Check out the link here to inspire creating your own:

Water balloon challenge: You know you want to. A small bag of balloons costs less than a loaf of bread. Treat the family, fill up the balloons, partner everyone up and get tossing across the lawn as you each move further away from each other.


Backyard picnic: Take lunch or dinner away from the dining table and have a backyard (or balcony or indoor) picnic. 


Blanket Drag Race: Grab an old blankie that can take the heat. You take turns pulling one another across the lawn. Get smart about it and choose the smallest member to pull across.

Flashlight Hide & Tag: It’s like hide and seek but in the dark and with a flashlight (or as we say the torch). Give everyone a couple of minutes to hide (little ones are the best because they giggle throughout the hiding part); go on the hunt and tag them with the light.

Outdoor Pictionary: I love this one although only my 7-year-old can make out what my 4-year-old is drawing. Grab a large blackboard and unleash the artist in you with Outdoor Pictionary.


That’s it, sisters, dispel the myths and the ideas you even have about yourself, set worry aside because it will not serve you, take it one day at a time and let’s create a fun atmosphere. We won’t get it right every single day, but be kind to yourself and your family. I have no doubt that women are the atmosphere creators in our homes (yes it’s a thing), so may as well make the atmosphere as fun and loving as we can. Stay safe 

Kim Jansen

Copywriter and Content Producer

Instagram: KimJ777 | Facebook: