Self-love revolution

Now sisters,


I know what you're thinking, and no, this is not the surface-level pop version of self-love that we've become accustomed to. Aren't you tired of trying so hard to love yourself that it may seem nearly impossible?


So we say rip it off the mask that self-love has become that we like to hide behind. It's more than indulging yourself. It's more than feeling good about yourself when you meet your expectations or on the days when you show up as your best self. Uncover the true essence of self-love. Inspired by the wisdom of Dr Gabor Maté, Louise Hay and Eckhart Tolle, we've got three lessons to help you uncover what true self-love is all about. 

Gabor Maté, the compassionate healer, emphasises that self-love begins with self-acceptance, the shadow self and your light. It's not about avoiding your pain. Let's embrace every facet of ourselves, both light and shadow, navigating life's twists and turns as our own best friends.

Louise Hay, the positive affirmation guru, urges us to infuse love daily. The real face of self-love shines with a radiant smile as we affirm our worth and decorate our minds with affirmations, recognising our deserving nature and uncovering the power of affirmations. 

Eckhart Tolle, the mindfulness maestro, guides us to find self-love in the present moment. Let's release the baggage of the past and future anxieties, relishing the beauty of now. 

Girls, let's savour the joy of being fully present in our divine essence.

Let's revolutionise our self-love game and become intentional about it. Embrace yourself, speak the right things into your life so that you live it out, and revel in the inexplicable magic of the present moment. The true face of self-love is bold, authentic, and uniquely yours – wear it with pride! 

Photo by Anna Shvets

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