Showing up to truly live your best life

“It is the doing of your calling that attracts the support of the God of the Universe. When I stepped into that space, the wind in my life changed direction. The doing rallied the Heavens. It was the voice of my faith. If you don’t do out of your being, you aren’t truly showing up. Maybe that’s what’s meant by faith without works is dead. Without it, there are no smoke signals going up to attract the people, resources or opportunities.” Suzette Hinton, Author

Reading this, there is a slight tremor that runs through me. So slight that it’s in fact just a small vibration akin to a hum...but it is unmistakable and enough to fire up the neurons and more importantly, bring your thoughts, intuition and actions into alignment. Two lines, in particular, stands out even more; “ If you don’t do out of your being, you aren’t truly showing up. Maybe that’s what’s meant by faith without works is dead. 

If we zoom in, even more, the following terms stand out: “do out of your being,” “showing up” and “faith without works is dead.”

To do out of your being is to act from a place of wakeful presence and alignment. It comes from a place of authenticity that resonates with who you are. Extending beyond existence, your being is a reflection of your values, beliefs and of your character, your fundamental self. Based on this, therefore, we must ask ourselves what it means to show up?

Unlike the notion of simply “pitching up,” showing up has something deeper to it. Really, it’s another way of deeply loving and honouring yourself. Unfortunately honouring yourself has no manual, but essentially, it’s being able to live and speak your truth in a way that honours you and the world around you. Showing up for yourself is choosing to be kind to you, intentionally and with empathy. If you’re caught in the vicious cycle of saying and doing things that don’t serve you, I have news for you; that is NOT showing up for yourself. Realising that we are caught in this cycle isn’t easy initially purely because our self-worth and ability to love ourselves (not in the self-centred sense of course) is damaged. So perhaps that’s a good place to start.

To show up in life you need to understand your self-worth which is essentially rooted in your self-image. Psycho-Cybernetics teaches us that self-image can be fixed at any time when we choose to do so (excellent news). It involves retraining your mind, consciously activating your imagination through creative thought and the golden nugget...real action.

When you understand your self-worth, saying no (or yes) when you need to is easier. For instance, staying home and not going for that girls night out because you need it, is knowing you’re worth the time alone. Similarly, saying no to working with, or engaging with, toxic people or saying yes to eating healthily for your body, exercising or taking the break you need, all demonstrate that you understand your worth. These are things that start filling you, and create the space you need for clarity in order to show up and live in a state of mindfulness.

In the same way, if you’re not filled with exuberance, creative flow and love, how can you give it to the world around you or quite frankly, how can we receive these things from the world around us if we do not believe we are worthy thereof.

As my favourite, Dr Brene Brown, reminds us “we can’t ask people to give us something we do not believe we are worthy of receiving and you will know you’re worthy of receiving it when you trust yourself above anybody else.” This is critical because we are taught to look externally for validation when it should come from your very being instead.

So ladies, showing up ultimately means choosing to become armed with the tools to stay present and mindful in order to take care of your emotional, physical and mental well-being. It’s holistically taking care of you. Self-worth and showing up means making decisions, in your truth, that keep you filled up and it’s cultivating the trust in yourself to do so. Ultimately, an empty pot never served anyone a delicious meal. So fill yourself how you need to in order to consciously move between your thoughts and intuition to make choices that allow you to act in ways that serve you and the world well. In so doing, you start flowing in a space of active creativity and prosperity.

By Kim Jansen | Creative Content

Instagram @kimjansen777

Facebook: Kim Ilana Jansen

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