5 Things to help your body feel lighter

Hands up if you feel like you’re currently living off your energy reserves and they too are drawing dangerously close to depletion? Oh you too? Well, let me make some room for you before the boat gets too full.

2020 is one for the books, the jokes, the ages, everything that allows you to take account of how ludicrous this year has been. While we wrap things up at work and try our hardest to keep our brains from going autopilot every 30 minutes, I am going to try and give you some ideas on how to relieve your body of the massive weight 2020 put on it.

Stay away from the sweet isle


Swap the sweets for nature’s treats, fruits. Saturated and processed sugars are really great at setting us up for failure. One minute you’re ending a decadent chocolate, the next you’re down in the dumps. Also, consuming high doses of sugar in an attempt to build up your energy is very counterproductive because the sugar high doesn’t last. Rather substitute sweets with fruit and this is the best season for fruit. Watermelon, mango, guava, pineapple, apricot, papaya, strawberry and peaches are all in season so you have plenty of options to choose from.

Go for smaller portions


When we overeat, we tend to feel heavy and bloated. But when you’re a stress eater, you tend to do this without realizing it so cut down your portions. Small portions are a great way of controlling your intake and also, giving your body enough time to digest the food. Give your body time to tell you what it needs and whether it still needs more food or not.



Meditation helps our brains unclog the pipes. It also brings you to this current moment which is what we often miss. When we’re tired, we can often get caught up in everything except the present moment which makes it that much easier to ignore our bodies. Meditation brings your attention back to what’s most important, this moment. It also brings you back to your body and this enables you to release any pent up energy.

H2O is the way to go


Water delivers oxygen throughout our body, via our blood. How? Well, because blood is more than 90 percent water and oxygen flows through our body through our body. And since our bodies are made up of 60% water, it’s extremely important that we have enough water daily for our organs, our skin and our blood to move oxygen around. How does water help you feel lighter? Water also helps the body flush out waste and we all know how that aids in feeling lighter.

Rest, rest, rest


You don’t have to be highly attuned to know that when you start making silly mistakes, you’re probably tired. If your attention span is at an all time low, it’s time to rest. If you’re always hungry, you need to rest. If you have no appetite, it’s time to rest. If you can’t remember to do basic tasks, you guessed it, it’s time to rest.

Hang in there, we’re almost at the finish line. I hope this list helps you do just that.

By Phemelo Segoe

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