Change into who?

"You are being presented with a choice; evolve or remain. If you choose to remain unchanged, you will be presented with the same challenges, the same routine, the same storm, the same situation, until you learn from them, until you love yourself enough to say 'no more', until you choose change. If you choose to evolve, you will connect with the strength within you, you will explore what lies outside of the comfort zone, you will awaken to love, you will become, you will be. You have everything you need.

Choose to evolve. Choose Love - Creig Crippen

What do you think of first when you read this quote? How does it make you feel? Did you cringe or did you feel affirmed? Did you remember moments when you chose to remain or did you just realize that you are currently in a loop because you haven’t chosen to evolve? 

Or perhaps you felt a tinge of excitement? Perhaps this quote brought your “a’huh!” moment? 

Okay. Now let’s consider another option. Let’s consider this quote making you feel deeply overwhelmed or triggering uncertainty. What if you don’t even know how to step out of your own way or better yet, can’t see that you’re in it? Many times when we speak of change, the option to change or remain are presented as the only two but I don’t think that’s entirely true. 

Sometimes you can find yourself in limbo and not sure exactly who you’ve been for the past few months, years or perhaps even, life. When you aren’t sure of who you are and where you’re trying to go, the concept of change is null and void. Who would you be changing? Why would you be changing? What would you be attempting to become? 

Maybe we need to consider a third option, and I believe it is just being. Being present enough to notice shifts in your energy around people. Being present enough to notice changes in your body that you didn’t notice before. Being present enough to notice when something that once brought you joy and excitement, doesn’t anymore. Being present enough when you are foreboding joy. Being present enough to notice when you overthinking and being able to bring yourself back to the current moment. Is that not a greater step to self-awareness, self-improvement and inevitably, evolving?

We take this current moment for granted because we already have it. We long for a future we aren’t promised because it’s not in our hands yet. Because it’s full of illusion and filtered. We seem to be so obsessed with our future selves as if that person isn’t you. Why do we do that? Why are so obsessed with evolving out of ourselves? Who can you possibly be if not you? And how true would you be? 

I challenge you to stop and consider whether you need to move or if you need to be still; to think about whether you need more goals or more kindness and finally, why you are doing it all. Becoming more of your truest self is a pretty good ‘why’ and this intention will also guide how you get there. 

Sometimes the best way to evolve is just to find yourself and sometimes that is all you need to become the best expression of yourself. 

If you would like to engage with me further on all things personal development and self-love, you can follow me on social media @PhemiSegoe