Mom Guilt is cancelled!
At the beginning of this lockdown, I told myself – I’ve got this! I am going to be working from home (which I have always done) but this time I also have to home-school etc. etc. … and I am going to work even harder on my business because I have no excuse, I have all the time in the world.
Lockdown hit and I realised that reality was the opposite of my plans. It was like every other day plus more because now I had to break up fights more often, feed more often, entertain more often etc. etc. And the worst part was working but not earning an income.
I was barely coping… I was slowly losing myself. I became frustrated. All I wanted to do was lock myself up in a room and watch Netflix.
And so, I did… For a day.
I took a day off everything and focused on me. (Thanks to my mom for being my strength during this time).
I took a week off work to focus on my family, myself, and work on my emotions.
I did this because I knew my mood was affecting everyone around me. It was even affecting my work and it was not worth continuing my business if I still had this mindset.
I had never felt happy, sad, depressed, and motivated - all in 24 hours – before this. Lockdown has challenged me in many ways. I guess that it has done this for many of us.
Honestly, over this last 40 odd days that I have been at home, I have realised how important it is to connect with people around you. Friends, family, your kids, husband and even yourself.
Don’t be too hard on yourself and expect your life to be like others around you during this time.
The biggest problem for me was that I had been consuming too much on social media and that made me think that I was not doing my best during this lockdown. I did not start drafting a book or excel in baking banana bread… I was not trying enough crafts with my kids and did not create a colour coded schedule that was kick ass.
When I finally switched off a bit and looked around me, I knew what was important was what I had in front of me. I am grateful that I can be with my family right now, I am grateful for good health and that I still have an opportunity to work on my business.
MOM Guilt is cancelled.
Emotions are all over the place right now, it is important to remember to take care of yourself before you take care of everyone else around you. After all an empty battery cannot charge anything!
My tribe has been my strength during this time, dance parties with my kids have been saving my sanity and Netflix has allowed to chill and have some me-time at night. Find your niche, your release. Find your YOU!
Shanèy Vijendranath
Shanèy Vijendranath is a wife, mom of three and an innovative businesswoman. She is the co-founder of the award-winning parenting blog – You, Baby and I - and recently launched her start-up: MomSays. She is also the Chapter Lead for SoGal Johannesburg.