Radiating Self-love

Here are some practical steps to nurture the light within you!

  • Free Writing: Set aside time for free writing or morning pages, as Julia Cameron calls them. Grab a journal or open a blank document on your computer, allowing your thoughts to flow without judgment. Write about your fears, insecurities, and unresolved emotions. Let this exercise be a safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings.

  • Visualisation: Find a quiet space to relax and engage in guided visualisation. As children, we would use our imagination without hesitation. Allow yourself a few minutes to immerse yourself in images that feed your soul and spark happiness.

  • Mirror Work: Stand before a mirror and gaze into your own eyes. Take a few deep breaths and connect with your inner self. Notice any thoughts or emotions that arise. Practice self-compassion and speak affirming words to yourself. Allow any uncomfortable feelings that surface to be acknowledged and accepted with kindness.

  • Journaling: Set aside regular time for journaling, even once a week. Journaling allows me to work through emotions. The answers will often appear in your writing. This reflective time enables you to listen to wisdom, which is always soft at first but becomes more apparent over time.

  • Body Scan Meditation: Engage in a body scan meditation to connect with your physical sensations and emotions. Start from the top of your head and slowly move your attention to your toes. Notice any areas of tension or discomfort. Allow yourself to feel and explore any emotions that arise during this process. Practice non-judgment and self-acceptance.

These exercises are meant to provide a starting point but feel free to adapt and reach out if you need a coach. Keep your mind focused on loving every aspect of you as you do these exercises over time and reconnect with all of who you are.

Photo by Roberto Hund