Meet the team: Thabi

“The Embodiment of Gentleness”

Thabi is an enigma with the loveliest soul. Criminal Minds and Netflix are her go-to sources of decompression, and of course, which sister says no to an excellent glass of wine while getting her detective mind in gear?

Our multi-talented Thabi co-wrote and published her first book about Branding for Small Businesses. 

Yes, this sister of ours is an author too. With her gentle wisdom, Thabi has big visions for her role within LDH. Firstly, she understands her foremost responsibility is supporting our visionary LeAnne's goals. With LeAnne's heart so centred on people as she serves God through LDH, Thabi's lens and modus operandi within the team mirror that.

Thabi is determined to help women discover themselves and love themselves through the tools with which she equips them.

"LDH means daring to look within while defining yourself for yourself and ensuring that your life represents what's in your heart. Women inspire me; women of colour inspire me with their grace and dignity and how they own their place in the world."

Thabi loves a little two-step and having mini dance parties at home. She is happiest with a book, a little bit of sunshine, and a little mimosa in hand. While a salmon poke bowl makes her heart smile, she certainly makes the hearts of the LHD woman smile in turn. 

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