Motherhood stories: Liezl Prinsen

The Sacred Dance of Motherhood: From Loss to Experiencing Love and Deep Connections

Meet Liezl, a mother of two who lovingly shares her experiences of motherhood with a newborn and a toddler. As she navigates the challenges of integrating a newborn into their lives while creating a safe space for her toddler, Liezl also opens up about the bittersweet task of being present for her family while mourning the loss of her mother.

The loss of her mother during her pregnancy, combined with her role as a mother who nurtures and protects her family, raises an important question: Who creates a safe space for Liezl herself?

In her wisdom, Liezl emphasises the profound impact of simple yet healthy habits on her well-being. "It may seem trivial, but taking a moment to have a glass of water or make the beds can alleviate the overwhelm of daily chores," she shares. By minimising visual and auditory stimulation, Liezl finds comfort and serenity. Faith is also essential to her life, guiding her through difficult times. Whether putting her phone aside and listening to a podcast that redirects her focus towards God or seeking the prayers of supportive friends, Liezl's faith brings her solace and reconnects her to her inner strength.

While motherhood undoubtedly presents challenges, Liezl passionately believes it holds indescribable joy. For her, witnessing the bond forming between her toddler and baby is a priceless experience. "The deeper family connection is massive for me," she confides. Overcoming postpartum depression after the birth of her first daughter during the lockdown, Liezl cherishes the connection she now has with her family, which she longed for during those challenging times. She recognises parents' vital role in nurturing strong relationships among their children and fostering a deep connection as partners.

Liezl's journey into motherhood has also revealed a delightful surprise. She describes a newfound sense of "togetherness" with her spouse, a bond surpassing anything she had experienced. It is a beautiful testament to the transformative power of becoming a mother.

In the spirit of sisterhood and support, Liezl shares some heartfelt advice: Remember to check in on your new mom friend. Although the dynamics of engagement may shift, a simple cup of tea or a thoughtful text message can provide the much-needed mental boost she deserves.

Liezl's story reminds us that amidst motherhood's challenges, joys, and transformative moments, it is crucial to create a safe space for our loved ones and ourselves.

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