My Time is Mine

Time waits for no woman and we’ve heard it before, planning your time is critical to managing your life effectively. It’s not all black and white, however, especially in a world where I believe we’ve woken up to realise that while we function within certain norms and expectations, even amongst that we need to carve a life that honours who we are as individuals. 

Here are my tips on how I’ve created a schedule that honours me. 

  • Visualise your next day and the week ahead - you need to be aware of what it is that you want out of each day. I’ve discovered that knowing this already raises my energy levels because I’m not simply “plodding on” without any purpose.

  • Once I started loving myself more, I understood that my time was valuable. I had this odd belief that planning my time would restrict me and was too much effort, but the more militant I became with planning, the more freedom I had. You will notice that you’re completing tasks faster, reaching goals faster and you’re more in control of your day as you’re able to make far more informed decisions when the unexpected comes up. 

  • Prioritise what’s important to you. If journaling, prayers, exercising or a hot shower is what picks you up in the morning, do that. Create a routine that inspires you and clears your mind. Communicate this with your family. 

  • Tackle the tasks you enjoy least, first. As the day wears on, your energy is raised when you’re moving through tasks you enjoy with greater ease. 

  • Include short moments of activities that refresh you during the day - whether it’s enjoying a cup of tea and a 15-minute read, a breathwork meditation or a quick phone call with a friend,

By Kim Jansen