Surrendering to Harmony

The idea of balance is interesting. It's a word that has several meanings, such as together. One cannot examine the notion of balance partially because these different meanings contribute to the various facets that give the idea of balance its true meaning.

I know what you're probably thinking. At first glance, balance seems like a simple concept. For most of us, it conjures up images of scales that are evenly weighted, and yes, balance can imply stability or proportion. Explore the meaning of the word further, and what emerges gives the concept of "balance" a greater sense of completeness. It's not merely about the perfect "weighting." there's a certain dynamism of harmony; to attain it, you cannot examine the concept of balance by understanding only one facet. Think of an orchestra - separately, each instrument is unique and sounds beautiful. Without a conductor, there would be a cacophony of noise. 

Their performance requires balance in the technical sense of playing the correct notes and the emotional resonance they create. They balance power with delicacy, building tension with release, creating a harmonious whole that evokes a range of feelings in the listener. This is the essence of true balance – it's not about static perfection but about the interplay of different elements to create a desired effect.

This concept applies perfectly to our lives as well. We almost force a false sense of balance on ourselves. Life is not cut and dry in that's not static. Sometimes, your work requires more attention, and the scales are tilted in favour of your work. You will then experience a season when your family needs more attention. True harmony lies in understanding what brings peace and harmony to your life in that particular season. Adjust the weights to create that sense of overall well-being, not precise equilibrium. 

Balance is about the beautiful interplay of elements that brings a sense of wholeness and fulfilment to your life as you understand each season that you find yourself in.

Photo by cottonbro studio

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