The Cycle of Renewal

What does it mean to renew your mind? You've heard it often before, but practically? What does it mean?

If we investigate the etymology, it means the following: 

  • re-: This prefix means "again" or "anew".

  • novare: This verb means "to make new".

re-novare hints at the word renovate. However, there's also something more profound that lies beneath this meaning. The deeper meaning lies in the concept of cyclical renewal. The prefix "re-" signifies doing something again, but the root "new" is linked to words about "newness" and "freshness" across Germanic languages. This suggests that "renewing" wasn't just about making something new but restoring something to a previous state of newness – a kind of cyclical rebirth.

Ok girls, stay with us 'cos we're not done yet: The Old English "anewen" could also refer to "restoring or refreshing something intangible, like a relationship or a feeling. This highlights the holistic approach to renewal – it's about bringing back the vitality and freshness to all aspects of life."

What excites me about this is that we are designed to go through every cycle of life that we find ourselves in, and after all of it, we find the hope of renewal. There's the idea that freshness will restored to every aspect of your life. 

Let's bring it home. The idea of renewing your mind speaks to three things that stand out.

  • Perspective shifts:  Instead of relying on habit, past experiences, or external influences, you consciously choose to see things through a different lens. This is where you lean into curiosity. This could be a more positive outlook, a focus on new information, or aligning your thoughts with a particular set of values.

  • Learning:  This is about actively seeking out new knowledge and experiences that can broaden your understanding of the world and yourself. How do you get through this cycle of life differently and in a way that serves you better?

  • Actively challenging negative thoughts: We all have mental patterns that can be unhelpful. Renewing your mind involves recognising these patterns and consciously replacing them with more constructive thoughts. This asks you to stay in the present when you don't have to think about the past or the future but only the situation as it is right now. 

So, there you have it! Renewing your mind isn't just a self-help cliché. It's the promise of spring after winter, the chance to revive a wilting flower, or the spark that reignites a fading flame. It's about embracing the cyclical nature of life and understanding that even when we feel stuck, the potential for renewal is always present.

We become active participants in this cycle by shifting our perspective, challenging negativity, and actively seeking growth. We can choose to emerge from each challenge refreshed, with a renewed sense of purpose and a brighter outlook. Remember, you were designed for renewal.

Photo by Wesley Davi

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